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The population of town A is less than the population of town B. However, the population of town A is growing faster than the population of town B. Write a program that prompts the user to enter the population and growth rate of each town. The program outputs after how many years the population of town A will be greater than or equal to the population of town B and the populations of both the towns at that time.


1. Population of Town A, growth rate of Town A, Population of Town B, growth rate of Town B. 

2. Write a program that prompt the user to enter the population and growth rate of each town

3. The population of town A(A) is less than the population of town B(B), (use a for loop and if statement). 

4. Include c math library so as to use pow function.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int A, B, Ia, Ib;
int n = 1;
float Ra, Rb, Ya, Yb, Za, Zb;
cout << "Enter Population of Town A and B (Population of Town A must be less than Town B)" <<endl;
while (Ia <= 0){cout << "Error: Town A must be greater than zero.n Please Enter Population of Town A again.";
cin >> Ia;
while (Ib<= 0 || Ib <= Ia)
{cout << "Error: Town B must be greater than zero and greater then Town A. Please Enter Population of Town B again.";
cin >> Ib;
}cout << "Enter Growth rate of Town A and B in Percentage % (growth rate A must be greater than growth rate B)"<<endl;
while (Ra <= 0)
{cout << "Error: growth rate A must be greater than zero.n Please Enter growth rate A again.";
cin >> Ra;
while (Rb <= 0 ||Rb >= Ra)
{cout << "Error: growth rate B must be greater than zero and less then Town A.n Please Enter growth rate B again.";
cin>> Rb;
Ya = (1 + Ra / 100);
Yb = (1 + Rb / 100);
for (;;) {
Za = pow(Ya, n);
Zb = pow(Yb, n);
A = Ia*Za;
B = Ib*Zb;
if (A >= B) {
cout << "The Population of town A After " << n << " years is " << A << endl;
cout << "The Population of town B After " << n << " years is " << B << endl;
cout << endl;}}}
return 0;
download Code File here Untitled2.cpp
